Hi everyone, My name is Annabelle Hardy. I am a 21 year- old, 3rd year communications student at Thompson Rivers University, my main sector within the program is new media but I like to think I have something to offer within public relations as well. I am originally from the UK and moved to Canada at the age of 10, since then I have been living in the Kootenays up until starting my education at TRU and have been living in Kamloops for 3 years. I currently work full-time as a server with the goal of completing my post-secondary education without the need of financial aid.
I am a competitive volleyball player and snowboarder, car enthusiast and I love spending summers on a lake. Once I have graduated from TRU I have a goal to take a year off to enjoy all of these things and travel back to the UK to spend much needed time with family. Once I have returned to Canada I plan to obtain a job within the world of advertising and media networking, I feel very strongly about the way our most popular companies communicate and work with their audiences. Treating both sides of a product with fairness, making important pieces of technology and communication devices accessible for all users and focusing on the how much techno trash we are feeding back to the earth, and working to prevent this as much as possible.